WooCommerce GO4 Connector allows you to transfer transport requests from your e-shop to the GO4 express courier service once or at regular intervals. If the e-shop customer chooses the GO4 courier service in his order, the WooCommerce GO4 Connector plugin sends all necessary data about the shipment to the GO4 (consignee and its address, shipment weight, cash on delivery price) and you no longer have to fill in manually. separate shipping order for GO4. Shipping labels can be printed directly from the e-shop.
The plugin also offers e-shop customers the opportunity to choose the delivery date of the shipment through the so-called time windows. This service must also be activated on the GO4 side.
Sync range provided by WooCommerce GO4 Connector
- Transfer of shipment requests from WooCommerce to GO4.
- Transfer of shipments from GO4 to WooCommerce.
To deploy the WooCommerce GO4 Connector:
1. With the GO4 courier service, enter into a contract for securing the transport of your shipments. Register in the GO4 customer zone and request access to the GO4 API (API key). 2. Buy and download the WooCommerce GO4 Connector plugin from our e-shop wooconn.sk. 3. Install the purchased plugin in your WooCommerce e-shop (Plugins > Add new > Upload plugin) and activate it after installation. 4. You can find the plugin settings here: WooCommerce > Settings > GO4 Connector tab. 5. Fill in all required fields:
- Purchase code – you will receive it after purchasing the plugin
- GO4 API key
- Shipment pickup address
- Type of service GO4 (generally and exclusively for Bratislava)
- Shipping methods defined in your e-shop
- Order status as a flag of orders sent for shipment
6. Schedule a time interval for sending shipping requests to GO4 – either at regular intervals or once a day. Example of sync scheduler settings: If you want all new shipping orders to be sent to GO4 every day at 10:00 am, select “Once a day” from “Sync scheduler” and enter in “Sync time” 10:00.
One-time synchronization and logs
Part of the functionality of the plugin is also the manual execution of one-time synchronization, ie. in case you need to immediately send requests for the transport of all new orders from the e-shop, you will choose this option from the offer and have it executed. Synchronization logs between the e-shop and the GO4 API are displayed within the plugin interface.
WordPress: 5.2+ WooCommerce: 4.2+ PHP: 7.2+
How to set up a cron job
For the WooCommerce GO4 Connector to work properly, it is necessary to set a “cron job” at intervals of every 5 minutes. For more information on cron job setup options, see FAQ.
Video tutorial for configuration plugin
Video tutorial for exporting requests for delivery
The demonstrations in the video tutorial simulate the transfer of data via one-time synchronization, which will not need to be performed after setting up the cron job call on the e-shop side. Cron job will perform synchronization automatically according to the selected time interval in the plugin settings.