
WooCommerce ABRA Flexi Connector

Incorrect login information

Issue: If you have filled in all the data for connecting the e-shop with ABRA Flexi in the settings of our plugin, it may happen that the error message Incorrect login data is displayed and the connection will not take place.

Cause: After verifying the correctly entered purchase code and all login data to ABRA Flexi, the most common problem is an incorrectly entered ABRA API user or the specified ABRA user is not authorized to work with the ABRA API.

Solution: Check if the specified ABRA user is authorized to work with the ABRA API.

In ABRA Flexi, there is no deduction of the stock status of the item

Issue: When an order or invoice is received in ABRA Flexi (transferred from the e-shop), a situation may arise where the products (stock cards) between the e-shop and ABRA Flexi are matched (i.e. the catalog number in the e-shop matches the card code or another key item in ABRA Flexi), but the stock status of the item is not deducted.

Cause: In order to calculate the status of a stock item, ABRA Flexi requires an internal ID card in addition to the card code. Without this internal card ID, ABRA Flexi will not accept the item on the purchase order or invoice as a stock item.
In order for our plugin to be able to send internal ID cards to ABRA Flexi, it must first get it from ABRA Flexi. It can either be obtained by synchronizing products from ABRA Flexi to the e-shop, or the internal ID can be entered manually in the e-shop detail in the product’s own field abra_flexi_product_id (in this case, however, you must obtain it from ABRA Flexi|.

Solution: The optimal solution is to start a one-time synchronization within our plugin PRODUCTS: Import and update of all products from ABRA Flexi to the e-shop, through which existing products in the e-shop will be paired with products in ABRA Flexi, or new products will be created in the e-shop, and at the same time to register internal ID cards.

If you have not found a solution to your problem, please contact us via the form